IETF Working Group, Chair, and RFC Trivia (fwd)
Bruce Campbell
1999-12-01 06:41:48 UTC
Right, a list of WGs around, now for some templates.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim <***@oke.com>
Date: Sat, 27 Nov 1999 15:12:11 +0800
To: MILIS IETF <***@ietf.org>
Subject: IETF Working Group, Chair, and RFC Trivia


An update file of WG names, Chairs, and RFC produced/evaluated by
WGs is available at:

WG Names and Chairs: http://dullatip.vlsm.org/ietf-wg.txt
RFC Products: http://dullatip.vlsm.org/ietf-prod.txt

Those are "guesstimate" only with no accuracy warranty. It is assumed
that if it exists in 1990 and 1999, that the WG exists continuously
from 1990 to 1999. Same for WG chairs. Nonetheless, it gives me an
idea about how a WG archive is supposed to be, just in case
RFC-2418 (Working Group Guidelines)
is going to be updated.

The WGs that have been "rediscovered" are as following:

- 8< - ZCZC F.31 ----------------------------------------------------

Applications (app)
acap, calsh, cnrp, conneg, dasl, deltav, drums, ediint,
fax, ftpext, http, impp, ipp, ldapext, ldup, lsma,
madman, msgtrk, nntpext, printmib, schema, tn3270e,
trade, urlreg, urn, usefor, webdav, wrec.
822ext*, asid*, edi*, imap*, mimemhs*, mhtml*, netdata*, netfax*,
nntp*, notary*, npp*, oda*, osids*, smtpext*, telnet*, tip*,

General (gen)
poised*, poised95*.

Internet (int)
atommib, dhc, dnsind, frnetmib, ifmib, ion, ip1394, ipcdn,
ipfc, ipngwg, ipvbi, l2tpext, pppext, svrloc, zeroconf.
appleip*, atm*, cip*, fddi*, ipatm*, iplpdn*, mmb*, mpsnmp*,
mtudisc*, pktway*, ppp*, rdisc*, rreq*, smds*, st2*.

IP Next Generation (ipng) <--> int(<1993,>1996)
ale*, catnip*, ipae*, pip*, sip*, sipp*, tpix*, tuba*.

Network Management (mgt) --> ops
acct*, allerman*, charmib*, chassis*, decnetiv*, ethermib*,
fddimib*, hostmib*, modemmgt*, msi*, oim*, rdbmsmib*, snanau*,
snmp*, snmpv2*, transmib*, trmon*, trunkmib*, upsmib*, x25mib*.

Operations and Management (ops)
2000, aaa, adslmib, agentx, bmwg, bridge, disman, dnsop, entmib, grip,
hubmib, mboned, nasreq, ngtrans, policy, ptopomib, radius, rmonmib,
roamops, rps, snmpv3, tewg.
bgpdepl*, check*, cidrd*, gisd*, netstat*, njm*, noop*, opstat*, ucp*.

OSI Integration
osigen*, osinsap*, osix400*, osix500*.

Routing (rtg)
bgmp, dlswmib, gsmp, idmr, idr, isis, manet, mobileip,
mospf, mpls, msdp, ospf, pim, rip, snadlc, udlr, vrrp.
bgp*, idpr*, ipidrp*, iwg*, orwg*, pdnrout*, ripv2*, rolc*, sdr*.

Service Applications (sap) --> int
dns*, mhsds*, thinosi*, tnfs*.

Security (sec)
aft, cat, openpgp, dnssec, idwg, ipsec, otp, pkix, secsh,
smime, spki, stime, tls, wts, xmldsig.
aac*, cipso*, ident*, ipauth*, pem*, saag*, snmpsec*, spwg*.

Transport (tsv)
avt, diffserv, ecm, enum, intserv, ippm, iptel, issll,
malloc, megaco, mmusic, nat, nfsv4, oncrpc, pint, pilc,
rap, rmt, rsvp, rtfm, sigtran, sip, spirits, tcpimpl,
tcpsat, tsvwg.
dfs*, dns*, tcplw*.

User Services Area (usv) <-- Host
fyiup, run, uswg, weird.
disi*, iafa*, ids*, iiir*, isn*, iup*, mimecont*, nir*, nisi*,
noctool2*, shr*, ssh*, trainmat*, uri*, userdoc, userdoc2*,
userglos*, wnils*.

- 8< - NNNN F.31 ----------------------------------------------------
- Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim VLSM-TJT -- http://www.vlsm.org/rms46/ -
- Get your own free Ph.D. degree from UCLS - http://ucls.vlsm.org -