Burke Chris-CCB007
1999-11-15 22:53:13 UTC
The official meeting minutes will be out in a few days, meanwhile here's a
quick update on some content-creation procedures we discussed in Washington,
DC. About 12 people attended the WG meeting.
We discussed creating a set of templates for the different kinds of content
to go on the WEIRD web site. We need templates for at least these kinds of
- Area Director's Plan / News
- Hot Topics (separate templates for initial data collection and for
- IETF Participant Needs Questionnaire (ask what info would have made people
better-informed participants)
- Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions
I presented a strawman template for an Area Director's Plan / News, and we
revised it a bit in the meeting. So far it looks like this:
- BOFs happening this IETF in this Area, and what if any 'big picture'
they're part of
- AD's general architectural vision for the area
- AD's view of relationships of work in the area to work of other WGs in
same or other areas
- Update on changes in area procedures that might be good for IETF attendees
or press to know about
During the working group meeting we developed a strawman template for Hot
Topics information. So far it looks like this:
- What is it (30 words or less)
- Which working groups in IETF address this, what are their perspectives
- How are the activities on this topic in different working groups related /
- What are the current status, time scales, expected short-term
- Date on all information (aging)
- Extended comments if any
- What else is important that's not on the template
- Who is implementing it (????)
- Who are you?
-> Identification / credit
-> Credentials?
-> Disclaimer / individuality vs institutional opinion
- Links
-> mailing lists
-> additional information (URLs) to WGs -> chairs, ADs
-> repository identified
-> n.b. don't want press directed to WG mailing lists
-> Related work going on, outside the IETF
-> If you read nothing else, read this...
The idea is to find knowledgeable people to make an initial write-up on a
topic, answering the questions in the template. There was some discussion on
what happens next, but general agreement that we need to document the policy
/ process for taking the initial write-up and turning it into a web page, so
that everyone understands it.
We didn't come up with a process, but did make a list of process issues. The
list of process issues looks like this right now:
- Policy
-> Solicited vs unsolicited information
--->> Who has the "authority" to fill out templates?
--->> Identification of experts
-> "Letters to the Editor"
- Editorial function (if any)
- Aging (of information)
- Archival procedures / metadata / searchability
- Implementation / deployment
- Data collection methodology
-> Newsgroups, e-mail lists, forms, explicit solicitation, etc.
- Openness
- Commitment (timely completion, ongoing maintenance, etc)
If you want to take a stab at improving the templates, or defining a
content-creation process, or have other thoughts on the work done at IETF
46, please write the list!
Reminder: the following people volunteered a few weeks back to help create
content for the WEIRD web pages: Erica Zeinfeld, Robert Patzer, Robert
Ferrell, Robert Stephens, Katherine Bosovich, Tag Carpenter, Chris Burke.
The volunteers, at least, should have some thoughts on what the templates
and process should be!
Another Reminder: The Hot Topics identified so far include IPv6, IP
telephony, QoS, Security, and Multicast.
Chris Burke
quick update on some content-creation procedures we discussed in Washington,
DC. About 12 people attended the WG meeting.
We discussed creating a set of templates for the different kinds of content
to go on the WEIRD web site. We need templates for at least these kinds of
- Area Director's Plan / News
- Hot Topics (separate templates for initial data collection and for
- IETF Participant Needs Questionnaire (ask what info would have made people
better-informed participants)
- Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions
I presented a strawman template for an Area Director's Plan / News, and we
revised it a bit in the meeting. So far it looks like this:
- BOFs happening this IETF in this Area, and what if any 'big picture'
they're part of
- AD's general architectural vision for the area
- AD's view of relationships of work in the area to work of other WGs in
same or other areas
- Update on changes in area procedures that might be good for IETF attendees
or press to know about
During the working group meeting we developed a strawman template for Hot
Topics information. So far it looks like this:
- What is it (30 words or less)
- Which working groups in IETF address this, what are their perspectives
- How are the activities on this topic in different working groups related /
- What are the current status, time scales, expected short-term
- Date on all information (aging)
- Extended comments if any
- What else is important that's not on the template
- Who is implementing it (????)
- Who are you?
-> Identification / credit
-> Credentials?
-> Disclaimer / individuality vs institutional opinion
- Links
-> mailing lists
-> additional information (URLs) to WGs -> chairs, ADs
-> repository identified
-> n.b. don't want press directed to WG mailing lists
-> Related work going on, outside the IETF
-> If you read nothing else, read this...
The idea is to find knowledgeable people to make an initial write-up on a
topic, answering the questions in the template. There was some discussion on
what happens next, but general agreement that we need to document the policy
/ process for taking the initial write-up and turning it into a web page, so
that everyone understands it.
We didn't come up with a process, but did make a list of process issues. The
list of process issues looks like this right now:
- Policy
-> Solicited vs unsolicited information
--->> Who has the "authority" to fill out templates?
--->> Identification of experts
-> "Letters to the Editor"
- Editorial function (if any)
- Aging (of information)
- Archival procedures / metadata / searchability
- Implementation / deployment
- Data collection methodology
-> Newsgroups, e-mail lists, forms, explicit solicitation, etc.
- Openness
- Commitment (timely completion, ongoing maintenance, etc)
If you want to take a stab at improving the templates, or defining a
content-creation process, or have other thoughts on the work done at IETF
46, please write the list!
Reminder: the following people volunteered a few weeks back to help create
content for the WEIRD web pages: Erica Zeinfeld, Robert Patzer, Robert
Ferrell, Robert Stephens, Katherine Bosovich, Tag Carpenter, Chris Burke.
The volunteers, at least, should have some thoughts on what the templates
and process should be!
Another Reminder: The Hot Topics identified so far include IPv6, IP
telephony, QoS, Security, and Multicast.
Chris Burke