Michael Sondow
1999-03-01 03:21:38 UTC
I believe that we need to move IETF content onto the Web,
and use real line drawings and graphics, to reach this audience.
I agree wholeheartedly with this, especially the use of drawings and graphics.and use real line drawings and graphics, to reach this audience.
The following, from your draft, are especially appropriate, IMO.
"It can now be argued that the text-only RFC format is, itself,
a source of cultural bias in the dissemination of information about the
internet: a cultural bias toward people who know what a PDP-11 is.
While not in possession of hard data, the author argues that relatively
few who today consider themselves internet users have ever used a "text
editor" or have access to a "text printer". The abundance of FAQs
[MARSHALL99] [SQUARE96] written to explain the emoticons :-) used in
e-mail illustrate the difficulty that end-users have with use of
typewriter graphics to convey "images". The ability to render a 256
color bitmap is as pervasive on today's computers as was the ability to
render text on a VT100 when current RFC rules were drafted."
"The author believes that a restricted subset of HTML, including support
for bit-mapped
graphics images, is a good starting point."
This sounds about right. Certainly bit-mapped images are now universal.
OTOH, I think the matter of using links in RFCs in HTML needs to be very
carefully considered.
The "requirements" section of your draft seems quite adequate. Can't think of a
thing to add, except possibly a requirement relating to the editors, for
example that the format(s) employed be standardized and that they be accessible
to all members of the working groups concerned with editing them.