WEIRD Working Group Agenda
Burke Chris-CCB007
1999-11-03 15:11:58 UTC
Down to the wire...
-----Original Message-----
From: Burke Chris-CCB007
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 1999 7:11 AM
Subject: RE: WEIRD Working Group Agenda
WEIRD Working Group
Duration: 2 hours
1.Welcome / circulate sign-up sheet sheet
2. Review of Progress on Action Items from IETF 45
3. Discussion of relationship of WEIRD to proposed ICANN Ad Hoc / draft
any resolution if the group desires it.
4. Assign new action items.
5. Adjourn
April Marine
1999-11-03 15:36:07 UTC
Thanks for sending the agenda!

#3 is interesting. Can you give a bit of background re how that wound up
on the agenda?

Post by Burke Chris-CCB007
Down to the wire...
-----Original Message-----
From: Burke Chris-CCB007
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 1999 7:11 AM
Subject: RE: WEIRD Working Group Agenda
WEIRD Working Group
Duration: 2 hours
1.Welcome / circulate sign-up sheet sheet
2. Review of Progress on Action Items from IETF 45
3. Discussion of relationship of WEIRD to proposed ICANN Ad Hoc / draft
any resolution if the group desires it.
4. Assign new action items.
5. Adjourn
Burke Chris-CCB007
1999-11-03 16:40:54 UTC
April asked how discussion of the ICANN Ad Hoc got on the agenda. The simple
answer is, I put it there at the last minute.
It seems like what they propose to do overlaps a bit with what WEIRD is
trying to do. Their activity focuses on address assignment and is more
speculative than our charter allows. See
Today's post from Brian Carpenter suggested that the work proposed in the
ICANN Ad Hoc charter should be handled within the IETF. This led me to
believe that WEIRD should at least have a discussion, concerning whether
we are that place within the IETF - that is, to whatever extent this would
be an IETF activity, is some or all of it within the scope of our charter?
Also, if the ICANN Ad Hoc is established, they are probably one source
that WEIRD might want to tap for information on 'internet related
developments'. Or at least the 'development' is something we might want to
build some content around as a 'hot topic'
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 1999 7:36 AM
To: Burke Chris-CCB007
Subject: Re: FW: WEIRD Working Group Agenda
Thanks for sending the agenda!
#3 is interesting. Can you give a bit of background re how that
wound up
on the agenda?
Post by Burke Chris-CCB007
Down to the wire...
-----Original Message-----
From: Burke Chris-CCB007
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 1999 7:11 AM
Subject: RE: WEIRD Working Group Agenda
WEIRD Working Group
Duration: 2 hours
1.Welcome / circulate sign-up sheet sheet
2. Review of Progress on Action Items from IETF 45
3. Discussion of relationship of WEIRD to proposed ICANN Ad Hoc
/ draft
Post by Burke Chris-CCB007
any resolution if the group desires it.
4. Assign new action items.
5. Adjourn