Something WEIRD this way comes...
Burke Chris-CCB007
1999-09-23 00:16:02 UTC
The WEIRD working group is experiencing a bit of "slow start" - new progress
being made at the same rate that old work is being acknowledged. No acks, no
progress. (that's a TCP/IP joke - I can hear you laughing).

To kick-start WEIRD again for the Washington, DC meeting, here are two
topics for list discussion:
1) Follow up on the action items from Oslo.
2) A suggestion for new progress the group can make.

Action Items from Oslo:

- We agreed to assemble a core web design team of about 5 people. Status: I
have not seen a roster, other than the Oslo result that April Marine and Bob
Quinn would participate, and someone would solicit help from Darin Jones
(who made the prototype at http://www.ravenrock.net/usv/weird.html). Any
update from the list subscribers?

- We agreed to get a 2nd level domain name from IETF, but didn't agree on
what it should be. Suggestions included info.ietf.org and digest.ietf.org.
Status: There has been no subsequent discussion on the list.
Action: Let's pick a name before the DC meeting and go get it cleared with
Steve Coya and registered.

- We agreed to add a set of "quick and dirty" links to the web page. These
are links that can be identified and established quickly. Examples are link
to RFC editor queue and the IETF RFC search engine.
Status: I have not seen a list of links, blame me - I don't think I
solicited the list for input.
Action: Will someone (maybe from the core web design team) volunteer to be
linkmaster? Then we can send links we think should be on the page to you and
get them posted. Another item we should be able to complete by the DC

- We agreed to pull together a set of Area Directors' Overviews, to post on
the web page; April was to prepare a sample describing the User Services
Area, which was to be sent to the list for comment. Based upon people's
comments, a template will be developed. April will present the template to
the other ADs for their input.
Status: I have not seen the example from April, I don't think we've made
Action: April, can you send a sample AD Overview to the list in the next few
weeks? Let's get this one going before DC.

- We agreed to identify a set of hot topics based on the AD Overviews and
suggestions from the list. Topics suggested at Oslo included IPv6, IP
telephony, QoS, Security, and Multicast. Ginny Listman agreed to monitor
the list for Hot Topics.
Status: There hasn't been much list traffic, so I'm guessing Ginny hasn't
captured any hot topics. Because of our status on the AD Overviews, there
are no hot topics from there either.
Actions: To get things started, let's work with the list of topics suggested
at Oslo. Any volunteers to write up a short piece on what's going on
currently in the IETF on one of these topics? You could gather the
information you need by talking to friends, WG chairs, and Area Directors.
The Area directors are:

Applications: Patrik Faltstrom <***@swip.net>
Keith Moore <***@cs.utk.edu>
Internet: Thomas Narten <***@raleigh.ibm.com>
Eric Nordmark <***@eng.sun.com>
Operations: Randy Bush <***@psg.com>
Bert Wijnen <***@vnet.ibm.com>
Routing: Rob Coltun <***@siara.com>
Dave Oran <***@cisco.com>
Security: Marcus Leech <***@nortelnetworks.com>
Jeff Schiller <***@mit.edu>
Transport: Scott Bradner <***@harvard.edu>
Vern Paxson <***@aciri.org>
User Services: April Marine <***@iengines.net>

A Suggestion for New Progress:

The WEIRD Working Group is a little bit like an IETF "press core". We're
chartered to report - factually - on subjects of interest to the IETF
community, to create better-informed and more effective standards
participants. The IETF community and standards environment is very fluid,
things are changing all the time. WEIRD is nothing without content. So maybe
rather than wait for a master document plan, we should just start
contributing short write-ups on topics of interest to the WEIRD list.

This sounds trite, I know, but what if we all consider ourselves (ugh)
empowered (ugh), to write - factually - about whatever internet-related
developments are on our minds or the minds of our colleagues? Post what
we've written to the WEIRD list for follow-up, which should also be in the
form of a short, thought-out piece rather than free-wheeling discussion. Ask
WG chairs and other interested parties to comment. Capture this, and post it
on our web site as a kind of digest of current IETF thinking and activity on
hot topics.

How about it? Any takers?


Chris Burke
Web Elucidation of Internet-Related Developments (WEIRD) WG
